Cool and Big Update

I made big changes to the game. Some of them are not listed below, just saying.

Update notes 3/29/23:

-Changed some graphics (for example, some items in the hotbar)

-Fixed Baldi's AI a little bit (his movements are more accurite and precise)

-Added new Math Machine at the bottom-left of the school

-Added Extreme Mode in More Gamemodes menu

-Fixed some mechanics in Pro Challenge

-Changed Notebooks monitor

-Moved some monitors

-Added Anti-Turbo (for Scratch only!)

-Game should run slightly smoother (I removed some code and most unused content which freed up alot of space)

-Principal works again (he can catch the player when they are caught misbehaving)

-Changed Darkness Strength range (It is now 1.5 to 2, before it was 0.5 to 1.5)

-Fixed some layering issues with the new player sprite

-The unfilled map is larger and more useful

-You can now hear Baldi's slap in Real Hide and Seek (I don't know why it was muted before)

-Some sound improvements were made

-Removed field trips (I may re-add them in a later update which will fix all the field trips and make them better)

-Gotta Sweep is faster and works better (although, he may clip through walls)

-Replaced a map key (you can now use 0 to open the map instead of ENTER)

-Changed game description

-Added item descriptions

Yeah, that's basically it. I doesn't sound like alot, but most of this stuff will be for a very important and large update which may be done in tiny chunks with bugfixes since I don't have all the time to work on more updates. I gotta deal with school and life and stuff so that'll be difficult. Be patient and enjoy the billions of different versions of the game. I want to keep all the devlogs for this game as well since I think it's funny how many devlogs there are for this game.


v0.9.1 135 MB
Mar 30, 2023

Get Baldi's Basics Plus 2D (OLD)

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