Five Nights at Your House 6 is in development! This game will be more arcade-ish because it's inspired off of point-and-click games. Yep, that's right! FNaYH 6 will be entirely point-and-click!

Everything about FNayH 6 will be completely unique to any of the other games, and nothing old will be coming back for this one.

The idea is... You play as Loki, the orange cat from FNaYH 4, and your sidekick Chewbacca, who is a black cat. You and him will defend your house from the Dirt Apocalypse by going around the house and finding a way to block the entrance of which the dirt zombies will enter.

The controls will literally be nothing but your left mouse button. The game window will also be 360 by 360, so it is literally a square frame. I also plan on making this game short and sweet, with only 5 levels and no more. It will also have a shooter level, and just basically be like arcade minigames for most levels.

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