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There is a disease going around that makes people and animals change. You are taking a quiz that will help you survive this disease by analyzing videos, pictures, and more. There are 4 endings. Only one of them you want.

Press Z key to fast-forward through text, press Q to quit to the title screen.


V 1.0 45 MB
Play in Browser 48 MB

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I got endings 1&2. Can you please give me hints on how to get the last 2.

A skip/fast forward button would also be nice. The text is SO slow!

(1 edit) (+1)

Spoilers below!

For ending 4, get every single question in the whole quiz wrong, and for ending 3, when it asks if you trust the story with Phil, say no.

Huh, the game started with Ending 3 already being obtained.


Oops, forgot to clear my save before downloading the game. I'll fix that as soon as I can!