New Title in Development

Hello! It has been almost a year since an actual Phil's School title has been released, which was Phil's School 5. By the way, Phil's School Pocket is not part of the main series, it is just a silly spinoff game that is a recreation of Classic that I made for fun to see how small I could make Phil's School.

Anywho, the new Phil's School game I am making is called...


Phil's School 7: Mutated

I'm not gonna spoil too much about it, but I will introduce this game by saying... It is a unique remaster of Phil's School Classic. It is going to feel like a whole different game with the style I am going with. Instead of spoopy, it is spooky. The game's map will be made out of individual tiles instead of being one huge upscaled map. Right now, I have over 500 of the map's tiles, and I'm only about 40% done with the map design. I estimate that the map will end up needing a total of 1,200 to 1,300 tiles to build.

Here is what I have made in the map so far! By the way, this is the level loading in real time. Posters are randomly generated to stylize the map. Obviously, the layout here is a little different from the original map, and adjusted a bit to match how Phil's School: The Story described it. I had to hard code each individual tile, which took me 3 days, and I'm only about 40% done so this game is gonna take a long time to make Xp...

I already made some sound effects, such as the door sounds, the school lockdown event, and the class bell. Now that I've started high school and I am involved in marching band, I don't have alot of time during the day to work on this game, but I will use my time wisely.

The game is called "Mutated" because U0dWNUxDQnpkRzl3SUhSeWVXNWhJR3hsWVdzZ2RHaGxJR3h2Y21VaElGUm9ZWFFuY3lCYU1qbHdZbTFqWjJSSE9HZFpNa1l4WXpKVloyVlhPVEZKU0U1MllsZFZaMlJJU25aa1YwcHpXbE0wZFV4cE5IVT0=

Also by the way right now the game is 71 megabytes and literally that video shown above is all I made lolololololol this game is gonna be huge

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